[email protected]  |     Group 8, Heyang Community, Rucheng Street, Rugao City, Jiangsu Province

Why peat-free potting soil?
Since the 1950s, peat has been used in most potting soil. Peat is dried bog and consists of plant remains, moss, grasses and other plant material. In swampy areas, these remains are submerged in water, eventually forming bog, a process that takes years. To turn bog into peat, it is excavated from the swamps and then dried. The plant material is able to store a lot of CO2, which is released when it dries. Therefore, during the process of making peat, a lot of CO2 is released into the air, which is harmful to the environment.

Peat serves mostly as fuel, but is also often used as an ingredient in potting soil. This is because it can hold water and nutrients well and gradually release them to the plant. However, as the process of peat acquisition has negative effects on the environment, we chose to develop a peat-free substrate. This way, we reduce the impact of our activities on the environment.


Peat free substrate: right structure, EC value and acidity
For the healthy growth of your plants, it is important that the potting soil has the right structure, EC value and pH value. As potting soil should absorb water and nutrients and gradually release them to the plant, we have added crushed hydro granules to our Peat free potting soil. This ensures excellent water absorption capacity. The amount of nutrition in the soil is indicated by the EC value.

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