Make sure the liner is as deep as the plant's growing pot. Baq's liners have a handy cutting edge at 23 cm and are therefore very easy to cut to size for hydroculture.
Make sure the liner is just below the edge of the planter. If your planter is too deep, fill it with a layer of hydro grains or other material and place the liner on top.
Then sprinkle solid hydroculture nutrition (HD5) into the liner. For large plants (>1.50m) use 4 tablespoons. For smaller plants (<1.50m), 2 tablespoons are sufficient.
Next, place the waterlevel indicator and the plant on the bottom of the liner, possibly with an extra spoonful of grains for stability. Note: always leave the plant in the grow pot! If you do not place the plant and the waterlevel indicator on the bottom of the liner, the indicator will not show the correct water level because there will always be a layer of water at the bottom of the planter that is not measured.
Next, top up the planter with hydro grains and, if necessary, use a top layer of decorative stones or vulkastrat for decoration.